Welcome to Codipup.com

Welcome to Codipup.com, a website dedicated to my book Codi’s Journey, a heartfelt story about an awesome dog who touched our family in profound way. (CLICK HERE to read a PDF file with two sample chapters). If you have any questions regarding a particular subject on this site, please send me an email by clicking here. I also invite you to visit the Codi’s Journey Facebook page by clicking on the link located on the navigation bar to your right. Below is a list of radio interviews that I have done on behalf of Codi’s Journey.

  • Donna Seebo Show click on this link and a page will load that includes an audio player;this file is not downloadable.)
  • Starr Weldon’s Walk In Cafe Radio Show. Click here to listen to the show in archive.

NOTE: For those visiting this site using a smartphone or other mobile device, please slide the screen to your left to access the nav-bar content, which includes links to specific categories of posts (e.g., book excerpts) and other links.

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CODI’S JOURNEY…Jeff’s Codi and My Bud…by Walter…October, 2022

“Apparently, it’s been several years since anyone has submitted a review of Codi’s Journey, published in 2010…so here’s one in 2022. I purchased and first read Jeff Maziarek’s wonderful book in 2012. It appealed to me because it was about a Border Collie named Codi, and my wife Sherry and I had rescued a 2+ years old Border Collie mix named Bud in 2011.

I loved the book so much that I kept it and reread it about five years later. Then midyear in 2022, I read Codi’s story for yet a third time. But there was a difference in my reading this year. For some reason, I emailed Jeff from the website address identified in the book concerning my in-progress third reading, never ever expecting that he would actually respond back. Amazingly, he did, and we emailed each other back and forth throughout July. I even sent Jeff pictures of our Bud.

Why did I read the book three times and reach out to Jeff multiple times…because of the parallel between Codi and Bud. Much of Jeff’s story resonated with our past experiences with Bud. And today as Bud is now 13+ years old and in failing health, the parallel continues. And for coincidence, Pam the animal communicator and Reiki practitioner who interacted with Codi several times, is the same person who has and continues to communicate with our Bud. Obviously, more parallel.

So what about this book is so special? Well first and foremost, it’s a true story. This true story is about Jeff and his wife Andrea’s acquisition of Codi as a puppy in June, 1992 and includes multiple pictures of Codi throughout her life. The story from here until April, 2004 is filled with the joy, laughter, and sometimes surprises of raising and owning a most intelligent and highly agility possessed Border Collie.

However in April, 2004, Codi is diagnosed with cancer. The story over the next year is the final leg of Codi’s real life journey as Jeff and Andrea search for cancer cures and ultimately deal with Codi’s impending death and how to make her later days as comfortable as possible.

Upon reaching the April, 2005 chapters of the book for the third time, I actually emailed Jeff that I was pausing my reading as I was just not presently emotionally able to relive these final days with Codi. I’m certain that our Bud now being 13 years old made this reading of Codi’s final days significantly different than my first two readings when Bud was younger and in much better health.

Although the ending is sad, it’s what happens when our loved dogger family members reach old age. And the grief that Jeff and Andrea experienced upon losing Codi is absolutely real and similar to that most all of us have experienced upon the loss of our special family dogs. It would not be right or realistic to not experience these feelings of mourning and grief.

I have read at least 25 or more dog novels by multitudes of authors since reading Codi’s Journey. Not one of them has touched me the way Codi’s Journey has…or will likely for the fourth reading someday in the future when we no longer have our beloved Bud.
For all of you who presently have that wonderful dog family member, or for those who have owned and loved one in the past, this book is for you. I truly believe that you too will not only keep the book but will read it again sometime in the future. Thanks Jeff for sharing Codi and her life with us.”

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Codi says…

Codi says graphic 8

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The “Vision” for Codi’s Journey

Jeff MWhen I wrote down the results of three sessions Codi had with an animal communicator during her final year, I felt compelled to produce this book because those sessions clearly demonstrated to me that dogs (and other animals) truly are sentient beings. By “sentient” I mean they are perceptive beings who are, at some level, fully aware of their surroundings. They also feel and demonstrate a wide range of emotions, including love, sadness, fear, and in some respects anger, but in not in the self-righteous way that humans do.

From my perspective, this sentience is something that must be carefully considered by humankind within the context of how animals are cared for on this planet. In practice that actually means changing how animals are treated in the support of human industry (e.g., food and agriculture, cosmetic & pharmaceutical testing), and pet-related commerce (e.g., puppy mills, pet stores, etc.).

My primary vision for Codi’s Journey is that it ultimately can play a role in raising the awareness of animal sentience, so that larger numbers of people are sensitive to the importance of providing dignified treatment to all animals currently used in support of humans. With increasing numbers of people demanding better treatment for animals, it is my sincere hope that the companies in those industries could then be compelled to modify their business practices.

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Critical Acclaim – Codi’s Journey – How Angels Touch Our Lives

“I’ve experienced the extraordinary love and grievous loss that comes when we’re lucky enough to share our lives with amazing creatures. Codi’s Journey tells that story with candor, joy and tears. Because they cannot stay long, our four-legged kids teach so much about the importance of honoring each and every moment we’re given with them, a lesson we might do well to apply elsewhere. A friend once told me that dogs are angels sent down to look after us. Codi’s Journey affirms that belief!”

Catherine Crier, Acclaimed Author, Former Judge, Award-Winning Journalist, & TV Broadcaster (ABC News, CNN, Court TV, Fox News Channel)

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Critical Acclaim – A Touching Tribute

“For anyone who has experienced a spiritual canine connection, Codi’s Journey is a must read. It’s a touching tribute to a man’s search for a very special pup and the heart-warming life journey they shared.

Eugenia Last, Internationally Syndicated Astrologist and Author


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Critical Acclaim – A Story Told with Great Heart

“Codi’s story is one told with great heart; you will care about this dog as you think about your own dogs. Anyone who has ever loved and lost canine companions will definitely identify with this work.”
Steve Dale, syndicated radio host: WGN Radio; “Pet World;” syndicated columnist (Tribune Media Services), USA Weekend Contributing Editor
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Codi in Action!

Thanks to the efforts of a local video production company that converted some old VHS-based videos to digital files, visitors to this site can now see Codi in action! This sure brought back lots of good memories. I hope you enjoy it!

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Buy Codi’s Journey

Codi’s Journey is available in print from Amazon.com and as an eBook for the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook. (Please note that the “Nook” version of the eBook file also can be used on any other e-reader that supports a standard ePUB format file.)

PURCHASE a print version of Codi’s Journey

The print version of Codi’s Journey can be purchased directly from Amazon by clicking here.

PURCHASE Codi’s Journey as an eBook

Please click on the appropriate image below to purchase the eBook version of Codi’s Journey you need for your particular e-reading device.

Amazon Kindle               Barnes & Noble Nook

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Really captures the emotional bond with a pet

“I do not have much time to enjoy reading for other than business, but once I began reading Codi’s Journey, I couldn’t put it down. Having had pets myself, interacting with them and sadly losing them I could completely empathize with the author’s thoughts. He really captured the emotional bond that exits between a pet owner and their pet. Codi’s Journey is extremely well-written, and is a book that should be read by non-pet owners as well.”

Keith S., Woodford, Wisconsin

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